Spendwisor is a Fintech Startup focused on Mobile Payments and Loyalty Program Solutions.
The platform provides a Mobile Wallet, Mobile POS, and Innovative Loyalty Program Solutions tailored for the Retail Industry. Spendwisor’s initial focus is on Qatar Retail Sector and offers 3 solutions on a single platform.
1 – The mobile digital wallet Solution.
2 – Mobile Point of Sale solution – mPOS.
3 – Out-of-box loyalty program Solution.
The startup is innovating the loyalty program industry under the slogan – “democratizing the reward points” which means earn from one place and spend anywhere you want! Go Cashless, Go Digital!!!
Spendwisor is a QFC registered FinTech company and is incubated in the DIC, supported by the MOTC with their headquarters in the US, and currently a fast-growing mobile payment and loyalty startup in Qatar. Kickstarted by a team of tech innovators, the Company offers a unique experience to customers and retailers and is on track to position itself as a leading FinTech startup in Qatar and the Middle East region.
For more information about this startup, please check out the below links:
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